The 3 Minute Earnings Trading Strategy That Works...

With over 6,000 stocks and ETFs available to trade publicly do you ever feel overwhelmed by all of the trading opportunities?

Are you ever at a loss on what to trade and when? 

Have you ever been caught up by the hype of a trade? 

It happens sometimes. Because by the time a trade hits the news, the blogs, or the forums...It's too late. There's no more meat on the bone.

So where do top traders turn to find trades? It isn't MSNBC or the Wall Street Journal.

They turn to a system. A Plan. A PROVEN Strategy that they understand and can use over and over and over and over again. To make money making trades.

Quite frankly...they turn to their experience (or the experience of someone who's been there before).

And they trade with a framework. A proven plan like Total Earnings Domination. 

What Makes Total Earnings Domination So Successful?

Earnings Trading can be your most profitable trade by following the proven trading criteria that starts with a quick "Yes/No" screening. 

This one step, the "Yes/No" screening can save you hours of frustration by quickly saying "YES" to the trades that should go on to the next step because of their edge and "NO" to the trades that are at a disadvantage.  

If a trade passes the "Yes/No" screening it moves on to the next step...The "Is/Was Check".  

Passing this check moves the trade to the next step in the framework. A step that is fully outlined during my Live Earnings Trade Training session. See how this works before you implement it into your Trading Toolbox. 

Smart traders don't trade EVERY Earnings Announcement. We only trade the ones that fit into our TED Framework. 

Once you see TED in action during the training you'll be able to immediately add it to your trading plan. 

And you too will be putting on trades like these:
Here's something I hear quite frequently...

"But Dan, I've tried trading on earnings announcements in the past and those trades flopped."

I can believe that. I've even seen professional traders make BIG MISTAKES when trading on earnings announcements. 

They hold the trade too long.

They pick the wrong strike price. (Sometimes even the wrong stock).

They make the trade but don't Manage the Trade.

But you know what happens when there is a system to follow? A Plan in place?

I call it the DIFFERENCE MAKER. 

It transforms a trader from stress and anxiety to confidence and proficiency.

It makes trading with confidence the natural way to trade.

It takes luck and guesswork out of trading. 

This Difference Maker is the plan. The framework that let's traders like you dominate earnings announcements like Alex.

"Great!!! Just did my first Earning Time Spread with Philip Morris and made $122…..Yippiee….in less than 18 hours!!!!!" Alex S.

The easy to follow framework outlined in Total Earnings Domination (TED) and Revealed within the Total Earnings Domination Premium Package can lead to traders to having quite possibly the best month of their trading career. 

The guiding framework of TED leads traders to trade with the confidence they always knew they could have. 

Trading with the TED Framework puts you, the trader in control. 

Not the market. 

Not the news.

Not the direction of the stock.

None of that matters. 

Mike took control of his trading...

"I especially love his Total Earnings Domination Process"

I have been using Market Taker’s service for about 2 months. Dan has created a system of live and recorded classes that makes learning everything options fun and profitable. He is a skilled presenter and I especially love his Total Earnings Domination process. - Mike H.
Traders from all over the world are using the Total Earnings Domination System to boost their win rates and consistently drive income.

Their starting point was the included Accelerator Video Series. A training that you can experience for yourself inside the Total Earnings Domination System Premium Package

This is a shift to your trading mindset.

A training that provides the deep insight from 30 years of trading experience. 

One of our international students, Borislav from Germany had this to say about the Total Earnings Domination System:

"A system that works with a brilliant logic behind it."

"Money Week" The most active Earnings Trading Week of the quarter is coming up shortly. 

To get prepared for this HUGE Trading Opportunity. Get the Total Earnings Domination Premium Package and you'll be able to view the entire Total Earnings Domination Bootcamp, Accelerator Course, plus Dan's Masterclass on Earnings Trades!

The Biggest Earnings Week of the quarter is right around the corner so grab the Total Earnings Domination Premium Package NOW! Before the LIVE TRADE Setup Sessions are AT CAPACITY!

Join Total Earnings Domination Now and You'll...

  • Learn a system where market direction doesn't matter
  • ​See how earnings trades reduce broad market exposure
  • ​Unlock the secret strategy for capturing highly leveraged profits
  • ​Experience the simple 3 Minute "YES/NO" screen method
  • ​Trade LIVE with the MTM Community during 5 LIVE Earnings Trading Sessions during the busiest earnings week!
Don't be like other traders that miss this opportunity before "Money Week".

They have to wait until the next quarter to take advantage of this trading framework. 

I only offer this program ONCE PER QUARTER! 

Missing out on this program could mean...

90 More days of trading frustration and losing.

Three months of trading with 'hope' ...which is NOT A STRATEGY.

Missed opportunities from this quarter's earnings announcements.

Reverting to bad habits, luck, and the whims of the market...

The other day I had this conversation with a colleague...

"If they aren't willing to invest in themselves (time or money), then no matter what we offer them, they'll never actually benefit from it. They won't know the confidence that they can trade with or the money that they can make."

The conversation went on...So how do we get people to invest in themselves?

The answer I came up with..."We don't force it...Trading with confidence is something that a trader has to decide for themselves. They have to Want it. They have to want it more than an hour of TV...more than sleeping in...more than a night on the town. They have to want to leave a legacy to their family. They have to want to be among winners. "

If you've made it this far...My guess is you're ready for this.'s your invitation to Dominate Earnings Like A Pro with the Total Earnings Domination Premium Package. 

In this package you'll get 6 Months of Access to:
  • ​The Total Earnings Domination Accelerator Video Course
  • ​The Secrets To Trading Earnings On-Demand Bootcamp Videos
  • ​​Earnings Trading Techniques MasterClass
  • ​PLUS 5 LIVE Earnings Trading Sessions during MONEY WEEK with Dan Passarelli using Real Money in Real-Time
  • ​​You'll also receive the Spread Cheat Trade Tracker and other additional resources

Complete Your Registration Below

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$11,197 Value

That's 6 Months of Access to Total Earnings Domination
  • Secrets to Trading Earnings Bootcamp video class
  • The Total Earnings Domination Accelerator Video Course
  • MASTER CLASS:  "Earnings Trading Techniques from 2 Decades on the CBOE Trading Floor"
  • And more…
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By entering your information and clicking "Buy Total Earnings Domination Package" you get six months' access to The Total Earnings Domination package, which includes the Secrets to Trading Earnings Bootcamp video class; Live Earnings Trade Set-Up webinars; the 4-part video class "Earnings Trading Techniques from 2 Decades on the CBOE Trading Floor"; and the Options Impact Video Series. Market Taker Mentoring, Inc. has a no refund policy. All sales are final. You will have details of the class emailed to you. By enrolling in this class and clicking “Buy Total Earnings Domination Package”, you are opting in to receive emails and text messages from Market Taker Mentoring, Inc.
  • All payments are secured by 256-bit encryption.
© Copyright 2025 Market Taker Mentoring - All Rights Reserved.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: No representation is being made that the use of use of this strategy or any system or trading methodology will generate profits. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading securities and options on equities. Only risk capital should be used to trade. Trading Futures, Options, Forex, and securities is not suitable for everyone.

DISCLAIMER: Futures, Options, Securities and currency trading all have large potential rewards, but they also have large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the markets. De with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell Futures, Options, Stocks, or Currencies. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC RULE 4.41 : Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.