Riding Momentum To Maximize Trading Profits

How Smart Traders Identify AND Time Their Momentum Trades

Have you ever gotten into a trade late and missed a big profit run? Or missed out on any profits entirely?

Did you experience that defeated feeling knowing that other traders acted before you and ended up making money while you were left holding the bag? 

Were you not sure what was worse…the bruised ego? Or the loss of profits and capital?

That’s the thing with momentum trading. Some people win…others lose.  

Smart traders…the winners, have a system and a plan that they trade with. They don’t trade on emotion and when they’re trading momentum…they work the system and the system works. 

Confident traders like us build confidence in the systems that we use. In the proven and tested methodologies that we create and follow. Quite frankly, trading can be simple when we just follow the system.

And that’s what we want right? A simplified system that lets us repeat successes over and over again. A plan that we gain confidence in with every trade. 

Let’s face it. There are momentum trades to be made just about every day. How do we identify which ones are the best, most likely to pay off? 

Watching the news certainly won’t help because once a run hits the headlines it’s over for us. We can’t make our profits after the news breaks. 

There’s a simple, tested solution for trading momentum on stocks, ETFs, even Forex. You just have to know what to look for. Luckily, I’ve placed over 50,000 trades in my career and have learned a thing or two (or 3,276,331) about finding and executing the right trades at the right time. 

As a former floor trader at the CBOE and internationally known author and trading coach you can bet that I’ve put in the work, acquired the knowledge, and unlocked the secrets to trading momentum. 

But unlocking that knowledge for myself is one thing, being able to simplify it and distill it down into a workable, simplified, and proven trading system is something else entirely.  

I’ll be honest, it took awhile. 

Before sharing this with other traders and having them use their own money to trade with it I had to be sure. So I tested it. 

I verified it. 

I had other top traders test it. 

It works. 

I call it the Red Knockout Trading System and it uses candlestick indicators to tell us when a stock is at the right point in the swing to buy…Not only that…It sets a target price for us to get out of the trade. Before the wave crests, before it breaks the backs of the “fashionably late”. 

Wait until you hear how simple this trading strategy is. It really is a way for top traders to get the edge. 

Here’s how it works…with just four key technical signals. 

  • The Set Up Candles - Three green candles in a row
  • ​The Red Knockout Candle (RKO) - A red candle immediately after the three green candles with a smaller body than any of the three previous green candles
  • ​The Trigger Candle - A green candle that takes out the high of the RKO candle
  • ​The Confirmation Candle - A green candle that opens higher than the high of the RKO candle. 
Not so fast though, right?

There are other things to think about. Other nuances like when to take the profits. What’s the profit target?

Well, that’s a simple computation where we take the difference of the low of the green run and subtract that from the high of the green run, multiply that by our profit target and then add that amount to the high of the RKO Candle. That’s where we sell it. 

I said simple right? 

So it is a simple calculation but you don’t have to do it. Because I already have. 
That’s right. I created the Red Knockout System Trade Alerts to help smart traders become even more confident. 

How about I explain a little more about the RKO System Trade Alerts?

Here’s what I did…and more importantly…why it matters to you. 

I put together the algorithm…the formula that identifies Red Knockout candidates and made it available as an indicator on the following trading platforms:
If you trade on any of these platforms you can get Red Knockout Alerts immediately when they happen. The alerts will even set your profit targets for you. Automatically.

All you have to do is decide. Are you going to make the trade? The system has done its work now it is your turn to work the system. 

Look at what Nick H. From Alexandria, KY had to say about this system…

“Using scanners in particular the RKO daily helps me find trades when I'm busy or might not be fully locked in the market. I run the scanner and do the checks and decide to take the trade or move on. It only takes a few minutes and helps me find the best trades consistently”
Like Nick, you may be busy or not paying 100% attention to what’s going on in the market…and that’s okay…The Red Knockout Scanner is available to you every day just waiting for you to hit the ‘scan’ button.

You don’t have to feed it, update it, or go through any serious software setup to get the benefits. 

But you have to have access to it in order for it to work for you. These momentum trades are a great way to consistently improve your win rates as a trader. 

Asking a trader to analyze hundreds of charts a day, looking…hoping…to spot a momentum trade to act on isn’t realistic. 

There are over 6,000 publicly traded stocks, add to that Forex and ETFs and you're looking at hours upon hours of research just to possibly…maybe…find the start of a Red Knockout. 

That’s why it was so important to me to make this accessible to traders of all skill levels. People like you that deserve to work with the best trading tools, the proven winners. And not spend all of their time looking at random charts. 

That’s not the trader dream or lifestyle that I want…and I doubt it’s the lifestyle that you want. 

Would you rather spend all day looking at charts and graphs and making your best guess as to which stocks to look at and review. 


Be alerted by a proven system when a stock is ready for a momentum trade.

Confident traders of all skill levels and account sizes have chosen to be alerted to these trades. 

To get the edge on the market…

Quite frankly…an unfair advantage.  

Here’s what you get with the Red Knockout Trading System:
  • The Red Knockout Scanner
  • ​The Red Knockout On Demand Training
  • ​The Red Knockout Watchlist
  • ​The Red Knockout Indicator
  • The Green Knockout Scanner (This strategy works in both directions!)
  • ​The Green Knockout On Demand Accelerator Course
  • ​The Red Knockout Indicator
So, not only will you be alerted to a stock's upward momentum…you’ll also be alerted when the momentum takes a bearish turn. And you can profit from that too!

Not having a trading system that consistently works may be the only thing keeping you from your financial goals.  

Adding the Red Knockout Scanner to your trading platform today will enable you to almost immediately start trading these momentum stocks. You don’t even need a list of stocks…just the checklist you’ll learn about in the Red Knockout Accelerator On-Demand Course you’ll get with the scanner.

If you created your own custom-built trading algorithm you’d spend hundreds of hours (like I did) testing, tweaking, and improving results. Do you have the time to do that or do you need to start seeing results today?

Will your financial goals (or obligations) wait for you to develop and test a system like this? 

Or do you want to fasttrack your success? 

Do you want to start earning what you deserve? 

Or frustrate yourself by trying to figure out momentum trading on your own? If you go it alone you’ll need to identify the right stocks (out of over 6,000), when to enter the trade (if you enter the trade), your profit targets, and when to exit the trade for maximum profit. 

How long until you get it right? Until you fine tune your system to work consistently with confidence?

Hit the easy button…don’t spend countless hours and thousands of dollars in missed opportunities (or bad trades). 

Just enroll in RKO today. It’s less than $1k (okay $997) and you can start trading a tested, proven, and reliable system within a few hours. No hassle, no headaches.

Remember you’ll get the Red Knockout Scanner, Indicator, Accelerator Course, and the watchlist. Plus all of the Green Knockout Bonuses!

Oh…and your access is good for a full year. You’ll get any updates and improvements for an entire year to make sure that you’re trading these momentum stocks with the consistency and confidence you deserve. 
TLDR: Finally time your momentum trades with confidence using a scanner that works in multiple platforms. The Red Knockout Scanner identifies the stocks, signals the right time to buy, and provides profit targets telling you when to exit. Use the Red Knockout System to consistently and confidently trade the right momentum stocks at the right time. Enroll today for 1 year access to the scanner, indicator, training course plus the Green Knockout Bonuses for just $997
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: No representation is being made that the use of use of this strategy or any system or trading methodology will generate profits. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading securities and options on equities. Only risk capital should be used to trade. Trading Futures, Options, Forex, and securities is not suitable for everyone.

DISCLAIMER: Futures, Options, Securities and currency trading all have large potential rewards, but they also have large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell Futures, Options, Stocks, or Currencies. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC RULE 4.41 : Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.