We’ve created a simple, complete system that anyone can follow.
We manually scan the market and update the curated basket of high-candidate stocks real-time for you.
We scan for the top stocks most likely to experience a short squeeze, and cross reference them against profitability and 7 other proprietary trade criteria to maximize chances of catching an early signal.
Then, you have password protected access to real-time trade signals sent directly from the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
I’ve pulled some strings for you.
I’ve negotiated a contract with the Chicago Board Options Exchange for you to get professional-trade data you can’t get from any other source.
I repeat: You literally CANNOT get this from any other source. This is the only system that takes this real-time data straight from the CBOE, analyzes it for you, and triggers alerts based on tested and proven criteria.
When you sign up, you’ll sign up as yourself, a non-professional trader, and get access to these signals through this deal I made with the exchange on your behalf.
It’s a simple two-step registration process that starts with the official subscriber agreement with the CBOE.
What would you expect to invest in a scanner and system like Options Raider? Remember if you were an Options Raider member when the NKLA stock hit the scanner you would have made a 1,733% profit or $2,600 on a $150 investment.
If you were an Options Raider member when the COIN stock hit the notification scanner a 20 lot would have yielded $33,500 in profit in just a single day on a $6,400 investment. Even if you were a one lot trader you would have made $1,675 on the $320 investment or 523% profit.
What about the MVIS stock? If you had been an Options Raider member then you could have pocketed $715 on just a 5 lot investment of $60 overnight.
Another alert that came through Options Raider before you were a member was in FCEL. Calls on this stock could have netted you a profit of $970 in a 10 lot investment of just $280 after a week of the buy.
How about the BBBY example that hit Options Raider members with a profit of 1,471% or the FUBO stock that gained 171%...all of these and more hit the Options Raider scanner at the right time.
The time when smart traders with the Options Raider scanner took action.
They made the trade…
They earned the profits…
Imagine the next time a short squeeze hits and you ARE using Options Raider. How big could it go?
What would the value of that scanner be?
Would it be worth $20,000 if you’re a 20 lot trader in COIN?
What about if you’re a 5 lot trader in COIN? Would it be worth $7,500?
What was Options Raider worth to the NKLA traders that earned 1,733% profits? $5,000? They’d happily pay that every month... YES!!!
Traders are willing to invest the full retail price on this scanner at $1,500/month. Do you see the value there?
Traders like Thomas above have been using Options Raider month after month for over a year now since I created it.
And they love it….because it works.
You’re a special kind of trader. You know that using your resources…following the right people…and reading the right materials make you a better, more consistently profitable trader.
So I want to help cover the cost of your first trade with Options Raider by cutting the cost from $1,500/month to just $597 per quarter. That’s right, 3 months for just $597.
You’ll get your unique password to the Options Raider Scanner…the browser window that instantly alerts you when the optimal conditions for a short squeeze are present.
90 Days of access to the scanner plus the right to renew at the same discounted rate. Plus exclusive access to the MTM Community Chat Room Short Squeeze Slack Channel.
Members of Options Raider are among the best, most successful members of the MTM Community Chatroom and you’ll be part of the conversation. Join in or just eavesdrop on some of the best and brightest.
I can’t promise another BBBY or NKLA coming through the scanner…but what I can promise…Is if one is going to happen…It will come through the scanner. And more importantly, you’ll be able to act on it.
Before it hits the headlines. Before there’s nothing left to gain.
Analytics tell me that this is where most people either decide to enroll and join the ranks of Options Raider members or keep wondering if it is for them.
Maybe they keep searching for a reason not to enroll in Options Raider Alerts. (Because let's face it there's no reason to skip this opportunity and leave these profits on the table.)
Action takers that are ready…that see the value in enrolling right now...can complete the subscriber agreement. Just click the button below to begin enrollment.